Why automating payments will provide customer reassurance and reduce payment confusion

Why automating payments will provide customer reassurance and reduce payment confusion

By: Jereme Sanborn
Posted: June 19, 2024

What a feeling it is to log into your payment processor’s dashboard and see that some healthy deposits from resolved customer invoices have flowed into your account. 

It almost makes up for that sinking sensation you get every time you think about chasing those dreaded delinquent invoices. Fortunately, setting up automated payments in your point of sale solution can increase the former while drastically reducing the latter.

What are automated payments?

Automated payments are the modern successor to manual ones. They allow you to generate invoices and process payments through the use of secure computer-based technology. Once you put them in place, the benefits of automated payments speak for themselves.

Advantages of automated payments.

It once required a great deal of manual labor to create and send out invoices and to collect and track customer payments. Now that machines can handle these tasks under your direction, the errors that accompanied manual entry no longer occur. 

The result is increased accuracy, happier customers, and the ability to use your human resources more efficiently.

Customers receive their bills via the automated system on a predetermined schedule, leading to more prompt payments. Also, clients can take care of their bills online without the need for direct intervention from your staff.

Unlike checks that are prone to security breaches, automated payments furnish users with a host of payment options that are in compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). 

You can set up your system to require biometric or two-factor authentication from your clients before the transaction goes through, giving you peace of mind that the person is who they claim to be.

Additionally, handling payments in this way allows you to gain insights into your company’s financial well-being at the touch of a button. 

The system can generate reports that enable you to make intelligent forecasts that can drive effective marketing campaigns and keep stakeholders abreast of the company’s growth and current status.

Another compelling offering that automated payments facilitate is recurring billing. This allows you and your customer to agree that a set amount of money will be withdrawn from their bank or credit card account on a certain day for a predetermined duration. 

Not only does this model help to reduce late payments and increase predictability for both parties, but it also leads to a smoother and more positive relationship between buyer and seller.

Finally, automated payments can evolve with your business’s goals and needs. Without difficulty, you can change pricing and business models, helping you to provide your customers with the products and services they want at a fair cost that still enables you to make a profit.

Customer satisfaction through efficiency and clarity.

Automated payments let you put down the pencils and spreadsheets once and for all. The accuracy, precision, insights, and security that they bring to your business add to your credibility and polish your reputation. 

After all, people respond positively and want to do business with a company that has earned their trust and treats them fairly.

Setting up automated payments is quick and easy. Once you do, you can log into your payment dashboard secure in the knowledge that your processes are accurate, fast, efficient and streamlined.