North American Bancard President and CEO Marc Gardner Discusses Pay Anywhere and the Success of His Company on Fox News

November 07, 2011

TROY, Mich., Nov. 7, 2011 - Recently North American Bancard (NAB) President and CEO Marc Gardner made an appearance on Fox News to discuss the success of his company and the growth of the Pay Anywhere system. The Fox News analyst interviewing Gardner pointed out that the Detroit, Michigan-based NAB stood out as a “nice bright spot in a city and a state that needs cheering up.”

In a region of the country hit especially hard by the recent recession, NAB is a rare company that continues to hire new employees. They are currently expanding by hiring new engineers to continue developing state of the art products and services like Pay Anywhere.

One of the most interesting details in the story of NAB is how CEO Marc Gardner built this business from the ground up. Beginning as a small start up back in 1992, Gardner has successfully created a corporation that now employs over 600 people, with 500 working right at their home office in Detroit, Michigan. The best news is that that company still continues to grow.

But the twist in this story is even more interesting. With the release and expansion of its Pay Anywhere program, NAB is actively helping new start up businesses get a foothold and begin to grow.

Pay Anywhere is an exciting way for businesses to accept credit cards as well as debit card transactions from literally anywhere. Pay Anywhere serves as a convenient and easy to use solution for small businesses to begin processing plastic or even to help expand their mobile capabilities.

When a business signs up for Pay Anywhere, NAB makes it remarkably easy for them to get started. The ease of using this product is one of the main reasons it has achieved the highest user ranking for mobile payment processing in Apple’s App store. Pay Anywhere has absolutely no setup fees, they don’t charge a monthly fee, there is no cancellation fee, and it even comes with a free card reader.

The card reader conveniently attaches on to your iPhone, iPad, as well as mobile phones running Android. Versions 1.4.1 and 1.4 of the app are ready for use with the newest iOS 5 iPhone update and Android respectively .

The numbers on NAB’s Pay Anywhere service are incredibly impressive. Pay Anywhere has seen 50% growth month over month, according to Gardner, and all signs point to continued growth.

When using the Pay Anywhere system there are two separate charges that you will accrue. For one, there are the standard percentage rates taken out. That comes out to 2.69% if you swipe a card through the reader, or 3.49% if you key the card number into the app. However, you will also be charged a flat $0.19 fee for each transaction.

About North American Bancard

Headquartered in Troy, Michigan, North American Bancard is a multi-faceted payment solutions provider dedicated to providing the latest technology at the highest service levels. As a registered MSP/ISO since 1992, North American Bancard provides its clients with a full suite of products and services including credit, debit, EBT, check conversion and guarantee, ATM, gift and loyalty cards and online payment gateway solutions. NAB processes over $12 billion in electronic transactions annually for over 125,000 merchants nationwide. For more information, visit